AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
As China and Russia’s governments are talking peace, traitorous agents on both sides seek war. Enter John Liu as a special agent sent to identify who the Russian traitor is, and who his contact is within the walls of the Forbidden City.
This is a solid and great entertaining kung fu flick. It's a film that’s bursting at the seams with talented performers and its plot blends a lot of martial arts clichés with some heartfelt characters and an energy to sell it all. This is not the kind of kung fu flick that is meant to push boundaries in much of any way, not like some of the other movies of the era that were beginning to evolve with the times, but it’s one that is able to take all of its many clichés and wrap it in a solid package. The story moves briskly enough and it never drags even when they start throwing in more twists into the plot in the latter part of the second act and it makes for an entertaining film overall. Korean martial artist Hwang Jang Lee and John Liu have a great climatic fight which is choreographed by Yuen Woo Ping. In the end, it's a shame this movie is often overlooked by many martial arts movie fans. Definitely check it out and see how good it is.
4 years, 7 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A daring adventurer searches the Peruvian jungles for an ancient treasure although a con-man has other ideas.
If you've heard of this movie, chances are it's because you read somewhere that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg lifted the character of a certain roguish archeologist (along with his fedora, leather jacket, and satchel) from Charlton Heston's performance as Harry Steele. The only thing missing from Steele being Indiana Jones is he does not have a bullwhip. The movie itself is only OK. There's no action, little to no suspense, nary an exciting sequence to be found, and only a couple mild stand-offs to qualify as violence. It only gets interesting in the last 15 mins and there are nice scenes of Machu Picchu. A quite forgettable movie in the end.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Macbeth is a Scottish general and the thane of Glamis who is led to wicked thoughts by the prophecies of the three witches, especially after their prophecy that he will be made thane of Cawdor comes true.
This version of Shakespeare's tragic play is really difficult to stay entertained. I can’t deny that this movie is of high quality and the cinematography of the Scottish Highlands is awesome but it is just so dull. I tried so hard to like it but the blocky Shakespeare dialogue, dull pacing, and rocky plot was just too much for me. Incredibly underwhelming. For what it’s worth both Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard gave fantastic committed performances. If you want to watch a better movie about the story of Macbeth, give Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood a go instead. It's so much better than this movie.
4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
After Nick’s girlfriend dumps him, his best mate Shane has the perfect antidote to his break-up blues: three days at an epic music festival.
The Inbetweeners' Joe Thomas (playing basically the same character as he did in the sitcom) stars in this fine comedy. It was kind of what was expected. Plenty of amusing moments in there and was an easy watch. It made me wish that all of the Inbetweeners cast was in this movie as it did lack strong comic characters. It was enjoyable enough though and had its moments. Definitely give it a go if you're after a few laughs.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
During WW2, German supply ships are safely docked upriver at Bordeaux, but the British send a team of Royal Marine kayakers to destroy them.
This movie is based on a real life mission during the war. It shows the men that are recruited, how they are trained and then the exciting but dangerous mission they have to achieve. It also underlines the extent to which brave and resourceful men and women in time of war can be called upon to undertake huge risks with little payoff, thought up or approved by enthusiastic senior commanders and their civilian bosses. There's also a subplot between two officers - one is old school who is a firm believer in discipline and the other who believes in trust. There's an element of comedy during the first hour but all that disappears when the men board a submarine en route to France. Jose Ferrer (who also directed the movie) and Trevor Howard leads the troops with Christopher Lee having a small role as a submarine commander. A great Boys Own adventure.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A socially awkward teenage maths prodigy finds new confidence and new friendships when he lands a spot on the British squad at the International Mathematics Olympiad.
A charming coming of age/fish out of water drama. This isn't a movie just about maths of course, it's about autism, or experiencing emotions and opening yourself up to them for the first time or, for the first time after a tragic bereavement. Director Morgan Matthews delivers a beautiful, nicely paced movie full of emotional heart from James Graham's screenplay, showing a real eye for a good shot. But best of all, this is a movie which seems to give autism a fair deal, rather than an offensive, ill-researched depiction of it. Asa Butterfield and Sally Hawkins are fantastic in the movie. All in all, a wonderful British movie with plenty of heart.
4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A bawdy story of how a poor damsel surrenders her virtue again and again to get to the top of society.
Terence Young’s British historical comedy in which a young 18th century woman finds that losing her virtue is no handicap to a successful career is way too long and isn't that amusing. I think that's the main reason this movie doesn't work so well is that it lacks in funny situations. I think it was trying too hard to be like the movie Tom Jones. Kim Novak as Moll Flanders looks stunning in her costumes and gives an OK performance but the script lets her down. Overall, it was a disappointing movie due to the long running time, slow pace and lack of genuinely funny humour.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Dr. Bonner plans to live forever through periodic gland transplants from younger, healthier human victims. Bonner looks about 40; he’s really 104 years old. But people are starting to get suspicious, and he may not make 200.
This is a minor Hammer movie, but it's made by the studio's finest director in Terence Fisher. Unfortunately it is one of Fisher's worst work. It is terribly boring and a very talky movie with little action and pacing better suited to the stage. It certainly starts off interesting enough but the lack of shocking moments and a self-serious tone makes it a dull experience by the end. The production design is also pretty strong and the fog-filled streets are atmospheric when used. Christopher Lee is given a heroic role for a change but even his presence in this movie isn't enough to save it. Hammer completists might want to watch it but otherwise you're better off watching something else.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
After her husband’s death, a woman starts looking for independence.
A rather charming movie. While portrayed as a light-hearted fun movie, it is in fact quite dark with under trained nurses dosing up geriatrics with drugs to make them more pliable so costs can be kept down and an ungrateful son physically drugging up his mother to sell her property for development. Husband and wife team Pauline Collins and John Alderton take the main leads with Peter Capaldi playing Mrs Caldicot's ungrateful and manipulated son. I thought this movie was a fantastic bit of family fun.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
An uptight, leather-clad female alien from Mars, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth’s men as breeding stock.
This is a low budget British sci-fi movie which isn't that good despite the beautiful title character. There are a lot of problems with this movie such as the the cheap production design, the simple set, the cardboard characters, the ridiculous robot (a poor man's Gort) with mobility issues and the sluggish pace of the story. As might be expected the best scenes were those with the Devil Girl herself who might be a relation of Darth Vader with her long black cape. Patricia Laffan in that tight get up is an unforgettable sight!! A young John Laurie (of Dad's Army fame) also appears. This movie is good for a cheap laugh but as a serious sci-fi story it's not that great.
4 years, 8 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Six strangers awake in a strange sealed off room while a mysterious observer tells them that only one of them will survive.
This low budget French movie tries to rip off Saw but fails badly. There’s no actual torture and certainly no gore. There’s a bit of straightforward, brutal violence towards the end and some deaths, but anyone buying this expecting a Saw-style feast of torture and gore effects will be sadly disappointed as I was. I thought it was boring and it generated little interest in myself. In fact, I was happy when it was all over. Overall it was really poor and not worth taking a look.
4 years, 8 months ago