AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Two errant high-school students are ordered by a judge to spend a year at a prestigious military academy, where one of the cadets finds out who is responsible for a spate of midnight thefts.
Directed by the writer of 'Police Academy', the similarities are clear from the start, with the small change of punishment being the military instead of the police, the title of the movie was even changed from 'High' to 'Academy' to capitalise on the success and name value of a series of films that has completely nothing to do with this one. It's a decent enough comedy with some laughs to be had. Keith Gordon and Wallace Langham play the leads and act like total idiots but luckily both have enough charm and comedy chops for you to look past that. This movie also has a young George Clooney as the Major of the academy. It's a typical 80's comedy flick and I found myself enjoying this movie a lot more than I thought I would.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A couple of young, out-of-work archaeologists in Egypt discover evidence of the burial place of the ancient Egyptian princess Ananka. After receiving funding from an eccentric magician and his beautiful daughter, they set out into the desert only to be terrorized by a sinister high priest and the living mummy Kharis who are the guardians of Ananka’s tomb.
Universal's 2nd Mummy movie is a fairly good follow up to the first. The film opens with interesting bit of Egyptian lore, setting up the events to follow. Unfortunately the movie slows down for about 20 minutes as we get to know the characters. When the Mummy finally sparks into life, the movie starts to pick up. And with a runtime of just 66 minutes this movie is a fun, easy breeze to watch. It's a movie where you can relax for an hour and watch some campy Mummy silliness. Just a shame it takes nearly 40 mins for the Mummy to come alive before starting it's murderous rampage. The sets are quite impressive and the cast are great in their roles. All in all, a good horror movie but it doesn't come close to the greatness of the original Boris Karloff one.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Members of a dysfunctional family of vampires are trying to come to terms with each other, in the wake of their father’s death. Meanwhile, they are being hunted by Dr. Van Helsing and his hapless nephew.
A sometimes-interesting black and white independent art house cheapie produced by David Lynch that's sort of like a homage to the old 1936 movie Dracula's Daughter. If you're expecting a normal vampire movie don't bother watching as it will frustrate you. Granted, it's nice to have a vampire tale that gives a different slant on the genre and it never felt boring. Elina Löwensohn as Dracula's seductively decadent daughter is brilliant with Peter Fonda as a hippie-ish Van Helsing. I thought that the movie did a great job at creating a sort of old fashioned horror atmosphere, even though never anything scary or anything else horror related ever really happens in the movie itself. If you want to watch a vampire tale with a difference, give this a shot.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Virgil Starkwell is intent on becoming a notorious bank robber. Unfortunately for Virgil and his not-so-budding career, he is completely incompetent.
This is an eccentric comedy shot in the style of a fake documentary that chronicles the misadventures of Virgil Starkwell, an untalented thief and his various attempts to steal money and escape from prison. Woody Allen's 2nd movie is a set of sketches, gags, slapstick and physical comedy which is really funny to watch. It's an early indicator of what was to come and what the viewers will expect of Allen; smooth drama balanced by fast, witty monologues and lots of self-humiliation. Definitely recommended.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A young girl on vacation in Egypt is given a mysterious charm, causing her archeologist father to be struck blind inside an unexplored pyramid tomb. But when the family returns home to Manhattan, a plague of supernatural evil and sudden violence follows. Can this ancient curse be stopped before it is unleashed on the streets of New York City?
This has a similar kind of story to The Awakening which I watched recently but this is a little bit more interesting. It's yet another non-gory (apart from the finale) Lucio Fulci movie. It starts off really well and is quite atmospheric but things go downhill when the story relocates to NYC. Fulci goes for some disjointed scares which doesn't work as they're too inexplicable, too tame, or just too stupid. I really wanted to see some tension but there was nothing of the sort. The cast are fine with Brigitta Boccoli as the possessed young girl doing well. This movie could have been so much better had Fulci added more gore and violence but as it is it's just OK.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local population.
An Aussie twist on the Jaws tale in that instead of trying to kill the beast, some people want to capture it and move it to a secluded location so that it can live out it's life in peace. The story can also be seen as the white people trying to kill the croc and the local indigenous folk trying to protect it as they think it is one of their Gods called the Numawari. There's not a lot of tension in the movie and the deaths aren't particularly gory. It seemed at times that it was trying to bring some light hearted comedy to the proceedings but it doesn't work. The cast are competent enough - the only one I recognised was Ray Meagher (Alf from the Australian soap opera Home & Away). This monster movie is worth a watch I think.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
A Green Beret returns home from the Vietnam war to find that a gang of murderous bikers has killed his fiancee. He calls on several of his Green Beret buddies to come and help him take revenge on the gang.
An unintentionally funny movie. It starts out well enough but the plot slows to a crawl afterwards until the hilarious finale when 4 army soldiers use their military toys to capture the bikers. I thought this was an exploitation movie but it was nothing of the sort - no nudity or sex, no foul language, and the violence is almost totally confined to the opening and closing. No one in the cast (which includes Marvin Gaye, a young Cheryl Ladd who is killed off very quickly and William Smith) gives a good performance, and the musical score is one of the worst I've heard from a movie for a long time. Perhaps this movie was supposed to be a self-parody the way the cast are playing their roles? An interesting curio only.
4 years, 3 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
When Colonel James Braddock is told that his Asian wife and 12-year-old son are still alive in Communist Vietnam, he mounts a one-man assault to free them. Armed with the latest high-tech firepower, Braddock fights his way into the heart of the country and ends up battling his way out with several dozen abused Amerasian children in tow!
Chuck Norris is back in the final installment of MIA to kill all those horrible Vietnamese Communists who survived the war and this time, he's doing it for the children that can't fight back! This movie is another spin on the Rambo 2 formula, with Braddock travelling to Vietnam to find his Asian wife, who he presumed killed when America pulled out. As you might expect from a Chuck Norris vehicle made in 1988, this is stereotypical 80's action through and through. It might be full of clichés but it's a lot of fun to watch. Yes, it might be silly and unrealistic but the combination of colourful explosions, martial arts combat, heavy firepower and endless bad guys lining up to be killed make this entertainment at its most basic. Enjoyable.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Yet to fulfill their rock and roll destiny, the now middle-aged best friends Bill and Ted set out on a new adventure when a visitor from the future warns them that only their song can save life as we know it. Along the way, they are helped by their daughters, a new batch of historical figures and a few music legends to seek the song that will set their world right and bring harmony to the universe.
I really enjoyed the first 2 Bill & Ted movies but this one just didn't feel right and rather empty. I think this was an unnecessary movie to do. The two daughters were beyond irritating and by far the worst part of the movie. The minute I saw them I knew it was going to be a passing on the torch plot. There were some good jokes and throwbacks to the original movies but Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves just looked to be going through the motions. All in all, this wasn't a good movie. The plot was lazy and the ending just made me cringe. A shame that Hollywood felt they had to do this movie.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Three women who meet regularly in a steam room hear it's about to be closed down and decide to fight its closure.
Based on a stage play, this is an incredibly dull and long talky movie which wastes the female talent. They all just talk about their pathetic lives and the worst is Sarah Miles whose ranting gets very tiring and grating after a while. I can understand the sense of community that the customers have with each other but do people really talk like they do in this movie? There is lots of nudity abound if that turns you on. Diana Dors in her last movie before her death is totally wasted in her role. I didn't like this one bit.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Dr Simon Sparrow goes to work on a cruise ship to escape the boredom of shore practice.
This is the 2nd of the Doctor movies that would be released between 1954 and 1970. It's more famous for being Brigitte Bardot's first English language movie. She's as gorgeous as she is adorable with short brown hair, an infectious personality and that stunning figure. Dirk Bogarde returns as Simon Sparrow with James Robertson Justice playing a different named character but still having the same bombastic temperament as the one he portrayed in the first Doctor movie. I wouldn't call this a terribly funny movie although it does have its moments. It's fine as a movie to while away 100 mins.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
The Ninja Empire has been run by an evil master and one member decides to leave the empire. The ex-Ninja wants a Hong Kong detective to track down the new leader and end his reign of terror.
This is yet another infamous cut-and-paste ninja movies churned out by Godfrey Ho in the 1980's. It was horrible watching this movie if I'm being honest. The movie attempts to be semi-serious but which is rendered all but incoherent thanks to the re-cutting and re-dubbing, plus lots of added-on scenes of ninja fighting and random action starring main man Richard Harrison. I found it hilarious watching ninjas wearing pink rollerskates chasing after a bubble car! That is probably the highlight of the movie. It's a right mess this movie. I can't recommend this to anybody.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
Wellman Santee, a former race car driver, whose livelihood is transporting exotic stolen super cars, is involved, with his partner Eddie, in a shoot out, resulting in the deaths of his friend and a highway cop. Santee is framed for the cop’s murder and jailed in a maximum security prison. A few months later, Santee breaks out after narrowly escaping an attempt on his life. He reaches a local diner where he steals a car, abducts the owner, Rita and flees, completely unaware that his hostage is a deputy sheriff.
A throwback to the 80's action movie when you had one man taking on an entire army of bad guys. It's pretty much standard fare in terms of the plot. You don't expect much when you start watching a movie with Dolph Lundgren but this is surprisingly good. Of course don't expect an award winning performance from him. He'll give you all the action and explosions you need but nothing else. His co-star Kristian Alfonson is there as eye-candy than her acting skills. The shootouts are great and the car chases are decent so if that's what you want in an action movie you'll get it in droves here.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
An American horror writer, haunted by childhood nightmares, moves to an old mansion in Italy with her husband and young son only to discover the nightmares were real.
This has nothing to do with the other 2 Demons movies as it was a made for TV installment. It isn't one of Lamberto Bava's strongest efforts but there's still lots to enjoy here. It's got an awesome score, dreamy atmosphere and some beautiful set designs. As it was for TV, it has minimal gore and the intensity is less than possibly it would have had for the cinema. The Ogre looks pretty good but it's highly underused. It just creeps around in the basement doing God knows what. This had the potential to be something more but it's still a fun ride nevertheless.
4 years, 3 months ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to A New Decade! A New Year! Movies Watched In 2020 list
In World War II, the greatest threat to the British Navy is the German battleship Tirpitz. While anchored in a Norwegian fjord, it is impossible to attack by conventional means, so a plan is hatched for a special commando unit to attack it, using midget submarines to plant underwater explosives.
This is a good black and white British war movie about a real life event. John Mills is well suited to his role as the Commander of the mini sub mission. The movie itself is nothing amazing or remarkable, but solid nevertheless. The filmmakers succeed in creating a claustrophobic submarine atmosphere, along with an effective dose of suspense throughout in whether they manage to successfully carry out their mission. Those that love war movies will enjoy it.
4 years, 3 months ago