AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
When an average-looking 15 year old teenage girl gets a makeover, it's enough to make her father become overprotective of her.
A bad 80's teen movie. This is the old cliche about the ugly girl with braces and glasses getting a makeover and suddenly ALL the boys want her. Tony Danza basically plays the same character as he did in the sitcom "Who's The Boss". This movie does very little to entertain anyone with its kiddy humour, and only people who think Ami Dolenz is attractive will be amused. Matthew Perry also turns up in a small cameo. A waste of time.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
The children of Barton United are trying to win the cup in their local football league. Nasty councillor Mr Bates doesn't like them and wants the team his son plays for to win instead so he makes life as difficult as he can for them. However, Barton United are offered help by the local professional team that just happens to be Manchester United with its manager Matt Busby.
What a lovely children's drama this is which will remind people of a certain age in the UK how they used to play the beautiful game in the streets or on a muddy field when they were young. Bernard Cribbins and Norman Rossington are some of the big stars in this short movie whilst the Man Utd team of the time also pop up in cameo appearances with even a speaking part for Sir Matt Busby. Watch out for a very young Susan George as one of the kids taking part. The story is easy to follow with plenty of humour. The locations around Manchester which includes inside the grounds of Old Trafford are interesting to see. All in all, this is a really good nostalgic movie for all the family to enjoy.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
An all-female motorcycle gang, called ‘The Maneaters’ hold motorcycle races, as well as terrorise the residents of a small Florida town, and clash off against an all-male rival gang of hot-riders.
Dreadful, absolutely dreadful - that's the only thing I can really say about this movie. This must rate as the worst acted and worst written of the long line of 1960's biker movies. Filmed on a shoe-string budget, any teenager in high school could do a more professional job. The special effects are terrible. The camera work is terrible. The script is terrible. The musical score is terrible. The acting is terrible. In other words, the movie is shit. There is nothing and I mean nothing to recommend about this movie but if you suffer from insomnia I'm sure it'll make you go to sleep within the first 10 mins.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
Dan Merrick comes out from a shattering car accident with amnesia. He finds that he is married to Judith who is trying to help him start his life again. He keeps getting flashbacks about events and places that he can’t remember. He meets pet shop owner and part time private detective Gus Klein who is supposedly done some work for him prior to the accident. Klein helps Merrick to find out more…
This is a solid enough psychological thriller from the early 90's, directed by Wolfgang Petersen, who adds in a few watery and shipwreck scenes for effect (only natural from somebody that made Das Boot). Greta Scacchi turns up in another femme fatale role while Tom Berenger is the main star, playing a guy who survives a car wreck only to suffer amnesia as a result. Bob Hoskins is great as the private detective helping Berenger's character out. There's a couple of twists and turns to the storyline. It'll definitely keep you glued to the end.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A village is being oppressed by a four villains lead by chow chung until a beggar comes to town and teaches a young man and woman the 7 star grand mantis style of fighting.
This Korean kung fu comedy is more comedy than kung fu and despite some good kung fu sequences, it is more lacking due to a hero who tends to be more of an idiot than heroic. Benny Tsui attempts to look like a Jackie Chan like figure. However, while he has the martial arts skills to match, the movie doesn’t really give him a chance to show his skills as much as one would hope. Instead, he constantly gets beaten up and resorts to unbelievable tactics to stop the main villain of the movie. Overall, this could have been quite the kung fu comedy but with a hero who is more of a buffoon than able-bodied fighter (which is not his fault) and a finale that is borderline ridiculous, this should be seen just for curiosity purposes.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A series of random suicides in Rome are attributed to sun spots, but a young pathologist named Simona who is working on a thesis about murders disguised as suicides suspects otherwise. When a young girl associated with Simona’s playboy father ends up dead in another apparent suicide, Simona teams up with the girl’s priest brother to prove she was murdered and track down the unknown serial killer.
Armando Crispino's Autopsy is an authentic giallo...but slightly more complex and diverse than your ordinary experiences in this field of horror. The constant mix of mystery, suicides and twisted characters makes this movie one of the more interesting Italian flicks in the mid 70's. It starts out well but then loses much of its initial grip. There still is a lot of imaginativeness to discover throughout the whole movie. It is more suspenseful than it is gory. It may not satisfy gore fans on a quest to see tons of blood, but it'll sure please the more experienced horror fans.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A troupe of struggling stage actors is rehearsing for a small-town production of a play. Everything seems to be as it should until one of the cast members turns up dead. In a panic, the others try to get out, only to find they are now locked in the theater with the killer! Which one of them committed the murder, and who will get out alive?
This claustrophobic giallo/slasher hybrid movie marks the directorial debut of Dario Argento protégé Michele Soavi. The direction and technical aspects of the movie are all solid with some inventive kills such as a power drill being used through a wooden door to murder a person. The script is very well written without the usual flaws that you would find in this genre. The performances are good and supported by great cinematography and use of lighting. Soavi keeps the tension going until the last minute of the movie. This isn't a classic Italian horror movie but it's still good and slasher fans will definitely enjoy it.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A rural Colombian village is attacked by a horrible sea serpent, aroused by industrial pollution of a nearby lake.
Supposed to be based on a true story, this is one hell of an awful monster movie. It is tedious and ridiculous. You will find yourself either rolling your eyes to the point where you are seeing out your ears, or yelling at the screen for its obvious stupidity. Add in horror movie veteran John Carradine as a sin obsessed priest, and you've got a candidate for one of the worst monster movies ever. The monster itself is pathetic and looks fake. You will definitely laugh when you see it in it's glory for the first time! I'm afraid the only one word you can say about the movie is this.....crap!!!
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
This fly-on-the-wall documentary follows the Rolling Stones on their 1972 North American Tour, their first return to the States since the tragedy at Altamont.
This is a odd little piece of history. Commissioned by the Stones following them on their Exile on Main Street tour in the US - their first time back there since the events at Altamont - when the movie was finished and screened to them they decided it should never be allowed to see the light of day. A court battle ensued, and director Robert Frank won a strange victory: the movie was allowed to be shown, but only once a year, and only then in his presence. All the rock and roll clichés are here: the drugs, the groupies, throwing TV's out of windows, debauchery on private planes, the long hard slog of the road, it's everything that has passed into rock and roll myth that sounds so fun to be caught up in. But there's a big difference between being caught up in it and watching someone else caught up in it, so as a viewing experience it's somewhat akin to being the only sober person at a party. As a piece of entertainment it's rather lacking, and far from the best musical documentary you'll ever see but the songs they perform are great.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
Mr Topaze is an unassuming teacher in a small French town. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac, a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side hires Topaze as a front man for his business but Topaze cottons on to his shady ways and plays him at his own game.
Peter Sellers directed this movie (the only time he directed), starred in it, became embarrassed by its tepid-to-bad reception upon release, and shortly thereafter bought (nearly) every copy of the movie in order to destroy them. I can see why he wanted to do that as it's not a classic Sellers movie. It's not terrible but it just doesn't click as many of Sellers' classic movies do. It's basically only worth catching as a curiosity watch and to see the great supporting cast it has with John Le Mesurier, Herbert Lom, Leo McKern and Joan Sims amongst others that appear.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A beautiful blonde joins a small group of men running an oil station in the Sahara Desert and starts the emotions soaring.
A virtually forgotten British potboiler. Extremely well acted but perhaps a bit too melodramatic to really be taken seriously. I was expecting it to be a lot better as Brian Clemens wrote the script. Ian Bannen is undoubtedly the highlight of the movie as Fletcher, an insubordinate, unhinged Scotsman who spends most of his time winding up Denholm Elliott's toady English idiot Macey to hilarious and delicious effect. It wasn't my cup of tea but I suspect a lot will enjoy this movie.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
A devoted family man tries to help a beautiful alcoholic showgirl with her life, and becomes the the only suspect when someone else murders her.
A good little noirish courtroom drama that is only let down by one of those bafflingly rushed conclusions. Lilli Palmer has a wonderful warmth that animates her perfomance as the wife who must confront her husband's infidelity; Rex Harrison (married to Palmer at the time) is pleasingly understated as the husband who didn't commit a murder but is having a tricky time proving it. The direction is surprisingly good and occasionally inventive. Moody photography and realistic sets are further plus factors. The court-room scenes come across very effectively. On the whole, it's a great movie.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
Fur coat merchant Gilbert Bodley is having an affair with Mrs. McMichael, and plans to trick her husband into buying a mink coat. But then Mr. McMichael gives the coat to his own mistress, Mrs Sue Lawson. On top of that Mrs. Bodley arrives back from Monte Carlo early and both mistresses keep losing most of their clothes!
Another 70's British sex comedy but this one is slightly better than some that I've had the misfortune of watching over the years. Leslie Phillips dons his usual lothario act with Julie Ege and Barbara Windsor as the ladies losing most of their clothes over the course of the story. There are some laughs to be had but I can't say this was a very funny movie. It's like a sub-par Carry On movie with some of it's cast appearing such as Joan Sims, Peter Butterworth (in a small cameo as a window cleaner) and Barbara Windsor. This movie must had done well as a sequel Not Now Comrade came out 3 years later in 1976. Only watch this if you're really desperate to see a 70's British comedy.
4 years ago
AKB48Fan added 1 item to The Big Movie Watch List of 2021 list
When her father dies, Scottish lass Jeannie decides to go on a trip to Vienna after hearing the Blue Danube.
An adorable life exploring British comedy starring Barbara Mullen in her movie debut, playing a young woman Jeannie who never experienced anything outside of the village where she lives with her very conservative father. A lot of the comedy centres around being foreign in a foreign country. Barbara Mullen is wonderful as Jeannie – fun, sensible, stern, sensitive and forthright with Michael Redgrave popping up as man that helps her out of certain situations. It's a delightful and sweet little movie without any saccharine.
4 years ago